How to Upgrade Your Car Audio System and Speakers

I’m sure when you are thinking of one of your favorite places to be, sitting in your car on I-35, in traffic, is not one of them. But, what if we could help?Upgrading your car audio can help make those long commutes or typical car rides to work a little more enjoyable.

How Do You Know if Your Car Audio Needs an Upgrade?

If you are thinking about upgrading your car audio, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, determine what the weak area is….do you lack bass? Is the sound not loud enough? Determining the weakness will help you formulate a plan.If you have a new car, take the “Turn It Up” test. Do you like how that sounds? Most new cars come with less-than-impressive audio systems. The good news, upgrading the current system in your new car will not cost you a fortune or require you to change the look of your interior.If you have an older vehicle, you can get that new car feel by upgrading the audio system. We can replace elements of the system such as new speakers, amps, touch screens, etc.

Speakers, An Easy Start!

There are many varieties of car speakers and it can be a little intimidating if you do not know what you are looking for. The things to consider are brand, size, components, material, and of course, price. Our experts can help you determine the perfect fit for you and your car.

Add Dynamat for Dynamite Sound

Dynamat helps to isolate the music inside your car and keep everything else outside. This sound-insulating material is used inside car doors between speakers and sheet metal. It has been around for years and is a great product!If you are ready to upgrade your car audio, give us a call. We have been the leaders in car audio and mobile electronics for over 50 years. Our installers have the best product knowledge as well as many years of installation experience. Give us a call or stop by to check out the products and learn more.

We can’t wait to see you!

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