Why Remote Starters Are Great For Summer

Summer 2022 in Oklahoma is shaping up to be one of the hottest in our state’s history. There is nothing worse on a hot summer day than a burning-hot vehicle to drive in. Remote Car Starters are the perfect solution for cooling down your vehicle before you hit the road. Here are a few benefits of a remote starter in the summertime:

  • Cool down your car

  • Decrease air pressure

  • Black leather seats….enough said

  • Find Your Car in a Crowded Parking lot

How do remote starters work in hot summer weather?

Just like you would remote start your vehicle’s engine in the winter, you can also remote start your vehicle to turn on the A/C system to cool down your vehicle. Just turn on your A/C and set your temperature on your vehicle’s dashboard before leaving your vehicle. When you remote start, you’re A/C will automatically activate at the preset temperature. All you need to do is remember to remote start your vehicle several minutes before you get ready to leave.

Is it safe to remote start a vehicle in hot weather?

The answer is yes! However, it does not make it safe to leave children, pets, or anybody for that matter inside a parked car on a hot day.If you would like to get in a vehicle this summer that is nice and cool with low humidity, stop by and see us for your vehicle’s needs. One of our expert staff can help you determine the best remote starter for your vehicle.

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